
Running a business takes time, e­ffort, and concentration. We help ease the load with smart, time-saving benefits strategies and solutions.

Getting coverage through a small business health insurance plan can be more affordable than buying coverage by yourself.  There are many choices when selecting the best possible health insurance plan for yourself and your employees and giving only one plan to choose from does not typically meet the needs of the majority of the work population.

How Does Small Group Health Insurance Help Your Business?

employees working warehouse who need health insurance consultants first

Attract and retain top talent for your business

At a time when salary budgets are not increasing significantly, employers depend on overall benefits packages as a way to help them attract and retain skilled workers. Also, preventing illness reduces absenteeism and increases productivity.

Expanded and affordable options

Employers have the option to choose the level(s) of coverage they offer employees and compare health plans and premiums to make the best decision for your budget and your business. Also, qualified businesses may be eligible for tax credits.

Employee Choice, Employer Control

Once the employer has determined which plan level(s) to provide to their employees and how much they will contribute towards the premium, employees can then choose the health plan that fits their needs and budget within the available coverage levels.

Enrollment tools and support

Here’s where we come in. We provide initial and ongoing enrollment assistance for employers and employees. Insurance can be confusing. Time is taken with everyone to determine their insurance needs and recommendations are made based on personal status and/or elements of risk.

After enrollment, employees will receive standard plan documents including ID cards and Evidence of coverage from their selected health insurance carrier. A Summary/Explanation of Benefits will be sent directly to each participant.

man wearing medical mask holding sign

Need more information on Health Insurance options for your Business?

Check out out our Resources Page or Contact Us to get all your Health Insurance for Business questions answered. We’re here to Help!

Here's what you need to know to get started:

  • You need at least 2-3 W-2 employees to qualify

  • You must contribute toward employee premiums

  • And you can shop for coverage at any time of the year

The employer identifies a tier (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum) to set the baseline contribution for the plan, employees have options to choose relative to the baseline. 

Once an employer has enrolled, coverage and premiums are guaranteed for 12 months from the coverage effective date. Newly eligible employees may be added anytime during the plan year with a qualifying event.

Annual Open Enrollment

Decisions made (or not made) during open enrollment have a significant impact, so it’s important to weigh your options carefully.

For existing members, the annual “Open Enrollment” period begins at least 30 days before the start of the next plan year.

Person studying terms and signing health insurance agreement

Review Before You Renew.

What we do to prepare you for open enrollment:

  • One month before Open Enrollment: Meet briefly with you/your team to review premium increase trends

  • If the projected premium increase is within tolerance, develop a plan to notify employees of open enrollment dates and inform them of the next steps/action

  • If the projected premium increase is not within tolerance, go to market and search for other plans that meet the minimum plan requirements for healthcare plan members and are within projected premium increase tolerance  

  • Finalize decisions and conduct Open Enrollment